Data Subject Access Request

Important Information

Colour Me Beautiful collects, holds an processes certain personal data about our Customers and Employees ("data subjects").  As a data subject you have a legal right, under EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") to find out about our use of your personal data as follows;

a) Confirmation that your personal data is being processed by us;

b) Access to your personal data;

c) How we use your personal data and why;

d) Details of any sharing or transfers of your personal data;

e) How long we hold your personal data;

f) Details of your rights under the GDPR including, but not limited to, your rights to withdraw your consent to our use of your personal data at any time and/or to object to our processing of it. 

No fee is payable under normal circumstances.  We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for requests that are manifestly unfounded, excessive, or repetitive. Such charges will be based only on the administrative cost that we will incur in order to respond.

Please complete the required information on the Data Subject Access Request Form on this page.

Alternatively email you enquiry to or write to:

GDPR Requests 
CMB Total Image Ltd
9 Priory Lane

After receiving your subject access request, we may contact you to request additional supporting information and or proof of your identity.  This helps us to safeguard your privacy and personal data.

We will respond to all subject access requests within one month of receipt and will aim to provide all required information to you within the same period. If we require more information from you, or if your request is unusually complicated, we may require more time and will inform you accordingly.